
Memphis Pedestrian Accident Lawyer

Representing Injured Pedestrians in Memphis, TN

Every year, countless pedestrians are injured or even tragically killed on Memphis's streets due to negligent drivers. As a pedestrian, you are particularly vulnerable to severe injuries when a vehicle collision occurs. At The King Firm, we believe in upholding the rights of injured pedestrians and ensuring they receive the compensation they rightfully deserve.

Were you or a loved one injured in a pedestrian accident in Memphis? Let our experienced attorneys help. Reach out to The King Firm at (877) 909-5464 or visit our website at for a free consultation.

Common Causes of Pedestrian Accidents

Distracted Driving

With the rise of smartphones and in-car entertainment systems, distracted driving has become a leading cause of pedestrian accidents. Drivers engrossed in their screens often fail to notice pedestrians, leading to preventable accidents.

Failure to Yield

Many pedestrian accidents occur at crosswalks when drivers don't adhere to the yield signs. Ignoring traffic signals and failing to give the right of way can have dire consequences for innocent pedestrians.


In areas with reduced speed limits, especially near schools or residential zones, drivers who exceed the limit put pedestrians at significant risk. The faster a vehicle is moving, the less reaction time a driver has to avoid a collision.

Impaired Driving

Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs not only endangers the driver but also innocent pedestrians. Impaired drivers often exhibit poor judgment, reduced coordination, and slower reaction times.

The Devastating Impact of Pedestrian Accidents

Severe Physical Injuries

Pedestrians, when compared to drivers ensconced in the protective shells of their vehicles, stand extremely vulnerable during collisions. Their lack of armor against the tons of moving metal means they frequently bear the brunt of the impact. This can lead to a myriad of injuries, ranging from lacerations, fractures, and dislocations to severe internal organ damage. 

The direst situations may result in traumatic brain injuries or spinal cord damage, which could lead to long-term disabilities or even, tragically, loss of life. It's a harrowing reminder of the importance of road safety in Memphis.

Emotional and Psychological Trauma

Beyond the evident physical aftermath, pedestrian accidents often leave invisible wounds that can be equally, if not more, debilitating. Survivors may find themselves reliving the traumatic event in nightmares or sudden flashbacks, hallmark symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). 

The emotional rollercoaster post-accident can be intense, leading to feelings of depression, heightened anxiety, or an irrational fear of roads and moving vehicles. Such psychological impacts can linger, affecting a victim's quality of life and relationships long after the physical injuries have healed.

Financial Strains and Economic Challenges

The economic aftermath of a pedestrian accident can be an avalanche of unexpected expenses and financial hurdles. Immediate medical care, often involving surgeries, diagnostics, and medications, can rack up hefty bills. Additionally, long-term rehabilitation, physical therapy sessions, and mental health counseling become imperative for complete recovery.

When combined with the potential loss of wages due to an inability to work – either temporarily or permanently – the financial pressures can become suffocating. For families, especially those without ample savings or comprehensive insurance, such an event can lead to a cascade of economic hardships.

How The King Firm Advocates for Pedestrian Accident Victims

Comprehensive Case Analysis

Every case is unique, and we treat it as such. Our team meticulously gathers evidence, collaborates with medical experts, and ensures we understand every facet of the accident to build a solid case.

Aggressive Negotiation with Insurers

Insurance companies, by their very nature, prioritize their bottom line. This often manifests in their attempt to undercut or undervalue claims, trying to offer settlements that are a fraction of what victims truly deserve. However, when you align with The King Firm, you're enlisting a team that understands the tactics these companies employ. 

Armed with a robust compilation of evidence, from medical records to witness testimonies, our attorneys delve into negotiations with a deep-seated commitment to your best interests. Drawing from our vast experience and intricate knowledge of Tennessee's legal landscape, we relentlessly push against any lowball offers, striving to ensure that the compensation reflects the full extent of damages, pain, and suffering endured by the victims. 

Our aim is always to secure a just settlement that provides for current and future needs, allowing our clients to focus on recovery and rebuilding their lives in Memphis.

Exemplary Courtroom Proficiency and Advocacy

In some instances, despite best efforts in negotiations, insurance companies remain intransigent, offering settlements that don't truly reflect the harm and losses experienced by the victims. In such situations, the courtroom becomes the battleground for justice. The King Firm's legal team doesn't just bring years of experience to this arena; they bring a passion for advocacy and a commitment to upholding our clients' rights.

Get The Justice You Deserve

Pedestrian accidents can change lives in an instant. The aftermath can be overwhelming, but you don't have to face it alone. At The King Firm, we stand by the side of Memphis's injured pedestrians, ensuring they get the justice they deserve.

If you or someone you know has been a victim of a pedestrian accident in Memphis, don't hesitate. Secure your rights and future by contacting The King Firm today at (877) 909-5464. We're here to help, guide, and represent you every step of the way.

Road Hazards

Motorcyclists are especially susceptible to hazards like potholes, slick road conditions, or debris. A minor obstacle that might be inconsequential for a car can lead to a dangerous spill for a biker.

Distracted Driving

With the surge of mobile device usage, distracted driving has become a menace on Memphis roads. When drivers aren't fully attentive, they're more likely to overlook or not anticipate a motorcyclist's movements.

Consequences of a Motorcycle Accident

Physical Trauma

Motorcycle accidents in Memphis often result in significant physical injuries, given the vulnerability of riders compared to passengers in enclosed vehicles. The impact can range from superficial road rash, which though painful, might be considered a "best-case" scenario, to more severe conditions like broken bones, dislocations, spinal injuries, and traumatic brain injuries. 

The latter often necessitates surgeries, extended hospital stays, and even longer rehabilitation periods. Due to the open nature of motorcycles, even minor collisions can catapult riders onto the road or against other objects, exacerbating the severity of their injuries.

Psychological Impact

Motorcycle accidents aren't just physically damaging; they leave a lasting imprint on a victim's psyche. The trauma of the event can lead to various psychological conditions. For instance, anxiety disorders can make victims apprehensive about getting back on the road. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) might induce flashbacks of the accident, making everyday activities a challenge. 

There's also the profound grief and survivor's guilt, especially poignant if the accident resulted in the demise of a fellow rider or passenger. Such psychological scars often necessitate counseling and therapy, underscoring the multidimensional impact of motorcycle accidents.

Economic Setbacks

The aftermath of a motorcycle accident in Memphis doesn't stop at physical and psychological trauma. The economic implications can be staggering. Immediately after the accident, victims are faced with mounting medical bills – from emergency care, surgeries, medications, to follow-up appointments. But the expenses don't end there. 

Long-term care, physiotherapy, psychological counseling, and necessary adjustments to living conditions (like ramps for those with mobility issues) can strain a victim's finances. 

Additionally, if the injuries prevent them from resuming their job, they face the dual challenge of lost current and potential future income. This economic strain, coupled with the physical and psychological trauma, highlights the extensive challenges motorcycle accident victims grapple with.

How The King Firm Can Help

Detailed Investigations

At The King Firm, we understand the nuances of motorcycle accidents and the unique challenges they present. We don't just scratch the surface. Our dedicated team dives deep, conducting meticulous investigations that encompass every angle of the incident. 

By gathering pivotal evidence, collaborating closely with renowned accident scene reconstructionists, and liaising with medical experts, we ensure that no detail, however minor, is overlooked. This rigorous approach fortifies your case, painting a clear picture of the incident and its implications.

Relentless Negotiation

Navigating the complex world of insurance claims post-accident can be overwhelming for victims. With the comprehensive case dossier we've built, The King Firm is equipped to confront insurance companies head-on. 

We advocate tirelessly on your behalf, pushing for compensation that doesn't just cover immediate medical bills but addresses all ramifications of the accident – from ongoing medical treatments, therapy, to potential loss of income. Our team's vast experience ensures that we recognize and counter the tactics insurance companies might employ to minimize payouts.

Courtroom Expertise

While we always endeavor for a fair settlement outside court, there are instances when litigation becomes inevitable. In such situations, you can rest assured knowing you're backed by a formidable team with an impressive track record. The King Firm's seasoned attorneys possess deep-rooted expertise in Memphis's legal landscape. 

Our attorneys, with their eloquent arguments and vast knowledge, are prepared to represent you in court, defending your rights fervently and striving to ensure that justice isn't just served but you receive the compensation you truly deserve.

Representing Memphis Motorcyclists

Memphis motorcyclists deserve legal representation that understands and empathizes with their unique challenges. The King Firm provides precisely that – unmatched expertise combined with genuine care and dedication.

If you or a loved one has been involved in a motorcycle accident in Memphis, don't face it alone. Contact The King Firm and let our team fight for you. Reach out at  (877) 909-5464 today.

Every year, countless pedestrians are injured or even tragically killed on Memphis's streets due to negligent drivers. As a pedestrian, you are particularly vulnerable to severe injuries when a vehicle collision occurs. At The King Firm, we believe in upholding the rights of injured pedestrians and ensuring they receive the compensation they rightfully deserve.

Were you or a loved one injured in a pedestrian accident in Memphis? Let our experienced attorneys help. Reach out to The King Firm at (877) 909-5464 or visit our website at for a free consultation.

Common Causes of Pedestrian Accidents

Distracted Driving

With the rise of smartphones and in-car entertainment systems, distracted driving has become a leading cause of pedestrian accidents. Drivers engrossed in their screens often fail to notice pedestrians, leading to preventable accidents.

Failure to Yield

Many pedestrian accidents occur at crosswalks when drivers don't adhere to the yield signs. Ignoring traffic signals and failing to give the right of way can have dire consequences for innocent pedestrians.


In areas with reduced speed limits, especially near schools or residential zones, drivers who exceed the limit put pedestrians at significant risk. The faster a vehicle is moving, the less reaction time a driver has to avoid a collision.

Impaired Driving

Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs not only endangers the driver but also innocent pedestrians. Impaired drivers often exhibit poor judgment, reduced coordination, and slower reaction times.

The Devastating Impact of Pedestrian Accidents

Severe Physical Injuries

Pedestrians, when compared to drivers ensconced in the protective shells of their vehicles, stand extremely vulnerable during collisions. Their lack of armor against the tons of moving metal means they frequently bear the brunt of the impact. This can lead to a myriad of injuries, ranging from lacerations, fractures, and dislocations to severe internal organ damage. 

The direst situations may result in traumatic brain injuries or spinal cord damage, which could lead to long-term disabilities or even, tragically, loss of life. It's a harrowing reminder of the importance of road safety in Memphis.

Emotional and Psychological Trauma

Beyond the evident physical aftermath, pedestrian accidents often leave invisible wounds that can be equally, if not more, debilitating. Survivors may find themselves reliving the traumatic event in nightmares or sudden flashbacks, hallmark symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). 

The emotional rollercoaster post-accident can be intense, leading to feelings of depression, heightened anxiety, or an irrational fear of roads and moving vehicles. Such psychological impacts can linger, affecting a victim's quality of life and relationships long after the physical injuries have healed.

Financial Strains and Economic Challenges

The economic aftermath of a pedestrian accident can be an avalanche of unexpected expenses and financial hurdles. Immediate medical care, often involving surgeries, diagnostics, and medications, can rack up hefty bills. Additionally, long-term rehabilitation, physical therapy sessions, and mental health counseling become imperative for complete recovery.

When combined with the potential loss of wages due to an inability to work – either temporarily or permanently – the financial pressures can become suffocating. For families, especially those without ample savings or comprehensive insurance, such an event can lead to a cascade of economic hardships.

How The King Firm Advocates for Pedestrian Accident Victims

Comprehensive Case Analysis

Every case is unique, and we treat it as such. Our team meticulously gathers evidence, collaborates with medical experts, and ensures we understand every facet of the accident to build a solid case.

Aggressive Negotiation with Insurers

Insurance companies, by their very nature, prioritize their bottom line. This often manifests in their attempt to undercut or undervalue claims, trying to offer settlements that are a fraction of what victims truly deserve. However, when you align with The King Firm, you're enlisting a team that understands the tactics these companies employ. 

Armed with a robust compilation of evidence, from medical records to witness testimonies, our attorneys delve into negotiations with a deep-seated commitment to your best interests. Drawing from our vast experience and intricate knowledge of Tennessee's legal landscape, we relentlessly push against any lowball offers, striving to ensure that the compensation reflects the full extent of damages, pain, and suffering endured by the victims. 

Our aim is always to secure a just settlement that provides for current and future needs, allowing our clients to focus on recovery and rebuilding their lives in Memphis.

Exemplary Courtroom Proficiency and Advocacy

In some instances, despite best efforts in negotiations, insurance companies remain intransigent, offering settlements that don't truly reflect the harm and losses experienced by the victims. In such situations, the courtroom becomes the battleground for justice. The King Firm's legal team doesn't just bring years of experience to this arena; they bring a passion for advocacy and a commitment to upholding our clients' rights.

Get The Justice You Deserve

Pedestrian accidents can change lives in an instant. The aftermath can be overwhelming, but you don't have to face it alone. At The King Firm, we stand by the side of Memphis's injured pedestrians, ensuring they get the justice they deserve.

If you or someone you know has been a victim of a pedestrian accident in Memphis, don't hesitate. Secure your rights and future by contacting The King Firm today at (877) 909-5464. We're here to help, guide, and represent you every step of the way.

Road Hazards

Motorcyclists are especially susceptible to hazards like potholes, slick road conditions, or debris. A minor obstacle that might be inconsequential for a car can lead to a dangerous spill for a biker.

Distracted Driving

With the surge of mobile device usage, distracted driving has become a menace on Memphis roads. When drivers aren't fully attentive, they're more likely to overlook or not anticipate a motorcyclist's movements.

Consequences of a Motorcycle Accident

Physical Trauma

Motorcycle accidents in Memphis often result in significant physical injuries, given the vulnerability of riders compared to passengers in enclosed vehicles. The impact can range from superficial road rash, which though painful, might be considered a "best-case" scenario, to more severe conditions like broken bones, dislocations, spinal injuries, and traumatic brain injuries. 

The latter often necessitates surgeries, extended hospital stays, and even longer rehabilitation periods. Due to the open nature of motorcycles, even minor collisions can catapult riders onto the road or against other objects, exacerbating the severity of their injuries.

Psychological Impact

Motorcycle accidents aren't just physically damaging; they leave a lasting imprint on a victim's psyche. The trauma of the event can lead to various psychological conditions. For instance, anxiety disorders can make victims apprehensive about getting back on the road. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) might induce flashbacks of the accident, making everyday activities a challenge. 

There's also the profound grief and survivor's guilt, especially poignant if the accident resulted in the demise of a fellow rider or passenger. Such psychological scars often necessitate counseling and therapy, underscoring the multidimensional impact of motorcycle accidents.

Economic Setbacks

The aftermath of a motorcycle accident in Memphis doesn't stop at physical and psychological trauma. The economic implications can be staggering. Immediately after the accident, victims are faced with mounting medical bills – from emergency care, surgeries, medications, to follow-up appointments. But the expenses don't end there. 

Long-term care, physiotherapy, psychological counseling, and necessary adjustments to living conditions (like ramps for those with mobility issues) can strain a victim's finances. 

Additionally, if the injuries prevent them from resuming their job, they face the dual challenge of lost current and potential future income. This economic strain, coupled with the physical and psychological trauma, highlights the extensive challenges motorcycle accident victims grapple with.

How The King Firm Can Help

Detailed Investigations

At The King Firm, we understand the nuances of motorcycle accidents and the unique challenges they present. We don't just scratch the surface. Our dedicated team dives deep, conducting meticulous investigations that encompass every angle of the incident. 

By gathering pivotal evidence, collaborating closely with renowned accident scene reconstructionists, and liaising with medical experts, we ensure that no detail, however minor, is overlooked. This rigorous approach fortifies your case, painting a clear picture of the incident and its implications.

Relentless Negotiation

Navigating the complex world of insurance claims post-accident can be overwhelming for victims. With the comprehensive case dossier we've built, The King Firm is equipped to confront insurance companies head-on. 

We advocate tirelessly on your behalf, pushing for compensation that doesn't just cover immediate medical bills but addresses all ramifications of the accident – from ongoing medical treatments, therapy, to potential loss of income. Our team's vast experience ensures that we recognize and counter the tactics insurance companies might employ to minimize payouts.

Courtroom Expertise

While we always endeavor for a fair settlement outside court, there are instances when litigation becomes inevitable. In such situations, you can rest assured knowing you're backed by a formidable team with an impressive track record. The King Firm's seasoned attorneys possess deep-rooted expertise in Memphis's legal landscape. 

Our attorneys, with their eloquent arguments and vast knowledge, are prepared to represent you in court, defending your rights fervently and striving to ensure that justice isn't just served but you receive the compensation you truly deserve.

Representing Memphis Motorcyclists

Memphis motorcyclists deserve legal representation that understands and empathizes with their unique challenges. The King Firm provides precisely that – unmatched expertise combined with genuine care and dedication.

If you or a loved one has been involved in a motorcycle accident in Memphis, don't face it alone. Contact The King Firm and let our team fight for you. Reach out at  (877) 909-5464 today.

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Our team of personal injury attorneys are ready to take your case!

Reach Out to our Team

Seeking justice and rightful compensation after an accident? The King Firm, your trusted advocates for personal injury claims, stand ready to champion your cause. With years of experience, we've aided countless victims, including wrongful death cases, across the nation. Our unwavering dedication to understanding your unique situation ensures tailored strategies for the best outcome. Let us be your unwavering support, guiding you towards the justice and compensation you deserve.

The information on this website is for general information purposes only. Nothing on this site should be taken as advice for any individual case or situation. This information is not intended to create, and receipt or viewing does not constitute a client relationship.